National Academy for Public Administration
under the President of Ukraine

Scientific activity

Scientific work at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (IPACS) is focused on conducting fundamental and applied researches on the problems of public administration and local self-government; training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel in the field of science "Public Administration"; provision of expert-consultative, informational-analytical, scientific-methodical services on issues of theory and practice of state formation; organization and development of international cooperation on scientific research in this field; conducting scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and trainings. Scientific researches are carried out on the topics of the complex scientific project "Public administration and local self-government".

Scientific activity at the IPACS contributes to the integration of scientific achievements and innovations into the educational process, aimed at the scientific support of educational, professional and professional training programs and social reforms.

Scientific and pedagogical personnel have publications in scientific editions that are included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine, publications in journals of foreign countries that are included in international scientometric databases; some of them are included in the scientometric database of Scopus and Web of Science. Scientific and educational literature is also being prepared to support the educational process.