National Academy for Public Administration
under the President of Ukraine


The development of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service (IPACS) as a component of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is inextricably linked with its internationalization, expansion and deepening of international cooperation. Being included in the processes of globalization, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, IPACS builds its activities in accordance with the models of the international educational and scientific community, according to which international activities are a natural component of all other activities of the institution of higher education: educational, research, methodical, innovative, technological, educative, social, organizational, infrastructure development, student self-government, academic freedoms.

The main goal of the internationalization of the activities of IPACS is to improve the quality of education and research of students and employees for better adaptation to life and work in a globalized world. The development of competencies of global citizenship, multiculturalism, intercultural communication, increasing the level of international awareness and involvement in global problems, strengthening partnership relations to coordinate actions at the national, regional and international levels.

The priority measures for the internationalization of the activities of IPACS are: